Making music
Make music a part of your child’s future
No matter what your child's future holds, there is no doubt it will be made all the richer with the experience of learning an instrument.
Whether through formal private lessons, or casually playing music at home together, giving your child the gift of music has countless benefits to their emotional, intellectual and social development.
Becoming a part of a school band is a particularly valuable way to get children involved in music, as it adds in a social dynamic of making music with peers that can’t be replicated elsewhere. Children learn valuable team skills and experience the thrill of creating and performing, while also having fun with their friends.
Whether through formal private lessons, or casually playing music at home together, giving your child the gift of music has countless benefits to their emotional, intellectual and social development.
Becoming a part of a school band is a particularly valuable way to get children involved in music, as it adds in a social dynamic of making music with peers that can’t be replicated elsewhere. Children learn valuable team skills and experience the thrill of creating and performing, while also having fun with their friends.
The only thing your child needs before joining the band is enthusiasm and curiosity.
Prior music experience is not necessary, though also welcome. That’s the thing about The Music Guy’s concert bands - it’s all about inclusivity, friendliness and fun, while at the same time offering opportunities for dedicated students to extend themselves musically.
Prior music experience is not necessary, though also welcome. That’s the thing about The Music Guy’s concert bands - it’s all about inclusivity, friendliness and fun, while at the same time offering opportunities for dedicated students to extend themselves musically.
Benefits of being in the school band
Learning an instrument as part of a school band has incredible benefits for children.
- Learning music improves concentration and memory.
- Music provides an avenue for creativity and self-expression.
- Children can meet new friends in different year levels.
- Children learn self-discipline, organisation and how to cooperate with others.
- Working towards a common goal as a team, improving self-esteem and confidence.
How the school band works
When your child’s school begins a band program with The Music Guy, parents will be sent a comprehensive information booklet outlining all the processes and expectations of what the concert band involves. Here is a brief overview to get you started.
All instruments are of equal importance in the school band. Your child will be able to give their top three preferences for the instrument they would like to play, and selection with depend on numbers and availability. Children can choose from:
Where are student already plays an individual instrument, this may also be able to be incorporated into the band. School-subsidised instrument hire is available.
- Clarinet
- Saxophone
- Trumpet
- Trombone
- Percussion
- Bass guitar
- Keyboard
Where are student already plays an individual instrument, this may also be able to be incorporated into the band. School-subsidised instrument hire is available.
Training band
All students, to begin with, will start off in the Training Band. This band provides a great opportunity for students to become competent on their instruments in an environment that is both supportive and fun. Students may remain in the Training Band for more than one year if they are unable to acquire the prerequisite skills of the Concert Band (see below).
Concert band
The Concert Band is comprised of students with at least one year of experience on their band instrument. Students may spend anywhere between 1-3 years in this ensemble. Students successful in gaining entry to the Concert Band are expected to maintain a regular practice regime, be prompt to rehearsals, and behave appropriately at all time.
All students involved in the band program must undertake one instrumental lesson (either privately or through on-site tutorials) and one whole band rehearsal on a weekly basis. The Music Guy works closely with a talented team of musicians and tutors to ensure students receive high quality tuition every week. Tutorials usually occur in groups within school hours, which reduces costs and increases convenience for families.
Whole-band rehearsals are where children will learn to play as part of a larger ensemble. Usually taking place before school, band rehearsals are where the magic begins to happen. As well as learning new music, rehearsals involve musical theory, singing, body percussion, and discussions about expectations and what the band can do to establish a culture of team work and respect.
Tutorial fees
Participating in the band program is a cost-effective way to incorporate formal music training into your child’s life, when compared with private music tuition. Group tutorials and instrument subsidies can help to keep costs down for families. Tutorial fees are paid at the beginning of each term and will be outlined in detail in your school band’s information handbook.
Let's talk music!
If you have any questions, or if you’d like to see a concert band program get started at your child’s school, please get in touch with The Music Guy.